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I'm Obsessed With My Baby's Sleep - HELP!
In this episode, Amanda shares some tips for dealing with that well-intentioned but unfortunately, unhealthy, obsession with your little ones sleep. Because just when you thought sleep itself was difficult, you find...
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Toddler Sleep Training: 2-5 Years
Last week we talked about our little toddlers, and today we're tackling the big ones. They wriggle, run, and they say the dreaded word: NO. So what do we do about sleep training? Sleep is a crucial component in any...
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Toddler Sleep Training: 12 - 24 Months
Toddlers. Toddlers. Toddlers. They wriggle, run, and they say the dreaded word: NO. So what do we do about sleep training? Sleep is a crucial component in any healthy child's development, and Amanda is giving you her...
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Why Your Baby Wakes 100 Times At Night
In this episode, Amanda is taking us all the way back to the very start of her podcast with a rerelease of her first full length podcast episode, all about the four month regression and why your baby wakes 100 times...
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Top 3 Sleep Training Mistakes (And What To Do Instead!)
When it comes to sleep training, in the last 5 years I like to think I've seen just about everything... And there are some mistakes that I see more frequently than others! In this episode of the Slumber Party Podcast,...
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Late Bedtimes? Early bedtime? What's the BEST time to put your baby down to sleep?
Bedtimes can be a battle at the best of times - but how much of that battle could be avoided by putting your babes to bed at THE BEST time for them? Amanda and Liza chat about putting babies down early, late and...
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Drowsy But Awake: The Unicorn Of Baby Sleep
Picture this: Mom feeds, rocks, and bounces her baby to get them ‘drowsy’ and puts them into the crib and they fall asleep! Yay! They did it on their own... or that's what we've all been told. Too many times, babies...
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Is it too late to sleep train? Older kids, highly spirited, high needs babies and sleep work.
Well, is it? Sleep training can be a lifeline to so many tired families, but at what point have you missed the boat? Amanda and Liza give you all the important things to consider when considering sleep training and...
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Crack of Dawn Cries: How The Summer Months Impact Your Child's Sleep
Spring and summer brings warmer weather, more time outside with friends and loved ones and unfortunately. it also brings with it pesky early morning wakings. But WHY? Our kids are sunlight seeking machines and even...
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To cosleep or not? Tis the question!
That is the ultimate question, isn't it? For some families, cosleeping is the answer - and if it works, that is absolutely your prerogative! But it isn't always the way forward that honours the needs of everyone...
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My 3 Year Old Is Suddenly Up All Night! Why?!
Toddlers and PreSchoolers... they're a handful! And once you've made that transition from crib to bed, it can present a whole host of new opportunities for learning that aren't always our most favourite - like getting...
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Sleep Training Is Safe. Here's Why
In this, the first episode of Season 7 (!!!) of the Slumber Party Podcast, we're settling the age old debate: Is sleep training safe? YES! Your resident sleep expert Amanda and her bestie Liza chat through the ins and...
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